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With hurricane insurance claims, what fees or expenses does the Law Office of J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo, P.A. charge?
Your insurance company will not pay your small insurance claim, is it still worth it for you to hire insurance claims attorney J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo to pursue the claim?
How much will it cost you to hire insurance claims attorney J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo for a business/commerical claim?
What Residential and Homeowners insurance claims can we help you with?
What Business and Commercial insurance claims can we help you with?
You own a business and have suffered business interruption losses, can insurance claims attorney J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo help you with your insurance claim?
Does J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo, P.A. handle condominium insurance claims?
Why should you retain the Law Offices of J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo, P.A.?
What is a Special Investigative Unit?
What is a Non-Waiver Agreement?
What is a Guarantee of Title?
What is an Affidavit of Vehicle Theft?
What does a condominium association insurance policy cover?
You live in a condominium and your condo unit and condominium building sustained damages, what can you do?
You sit on the board of directors for your condominium association and feel your board is getting nowhere with your insurance claim, what can you do?
You own a condo unit in your condominium and feel your board of directors/association is getting nowhere with the insurance claim necessary to repair the buildings roof, etc. What can you do?
Your condominium buildings suffered damages due to a fire, hurricane, windstorm or other loss. The interior portion of your condo unit also suffered damages as a result of this damage. The association's insurance claim for the "common areas' has been resolved. Your insurance claim for your condo unit has not, can we help you?
Due to damages to your condo unit, You have been forced to move from your condo unit and rent elsewhere. Are these expenses covered?